Crushed Concentrated Tomatoes Premium Supplier

Crushed concentrated tomatoes are one of the methods of preparing and storing tomatoes for all seasons. You can easily prepare canned tomatoes at home and be sure that if the ventilation is done properly, it will be used for all kinds of stews, even when traveling. You can also bring this can with you. This can can be easily stored outside the refrigerator and in cabinets. There are reputable sales centers to buy these products, which we will examine in the following.

Crushed Concentrated Tomatoes Premium Supplier

What Is Crushed Concentrated Tomato?

What Is Crushed Concentrated Tomato? In today’s life, despite the busy schedule, there is not much time for cooking and not all the ingredients for cooking can be prepared and used alone. Crushed concentrated tomato features in today’s life, despite the busy schedule are very useful because there is not much time for cooking and not all the ingredients for cooking can be prepared and used alone. Due to these problems and limited time, canned food contributes a lot to the ease of cooking and speeding up the preparation of food. You can canned most of the ingredients you need for cooking to prepare more delicious food and save time, despite the special formulas used in them.

These crushed concentrated tomato production are actually canned peeled tomatoes and tomato powder available in the market. Canned boiled tomatoes are peeled and slightly heated tomatoes that are stored in water and salt and have largely the properties of fresh tomatoes except vitamin C. And it is more nutritious than paste. Also know that industrial pastes with mold preservatives mold quickly; Therefore, keep the paste in glass containers with a lid and apply a layer of liquid oil on its surface to stop the oxygen supply and prevent the formation of mold, and finally put the product in the freezer.

Process of Concentrating Crushed Tomato

Process of Concentrating Crushed Tomato To prepare this can, you need jars with dry, clean and healthy metal doors. Before preparing the can, be sure to boil the metal glass jars in boiling water and then dry them thoroughly with a clean cloth. Make sure that the glass is not rusted or blown. Try to choose canned tomatoes that are a mixture of two types of egg tomatoes and round tomatoes. Egg tomatoes have less water and more meat, and round tomatoes are more juicy. The combination of these two types of canned tomatoes makes you more delicious.

First, wash and slice the tomatoes; Then puree the tomatoes with any utensil at your disposal, such as a blender and food processor, and pour into a suitable saucepan. Place the pot on a medium flame to boil slowly. This step takes about 3 to 4 hours. Stir in the tomatoes every 15 minutes. After this time, the juice of the tomatoes is almost stretched and its volume will decrease. At this stage, when the tomatoes are thick enough, add salt and stir well.

Then, as the tomato is boiling, take a ladle and pour the hot boiling tomato puree into the jars and at the same time close the jars tightly. Spread a large towel or napkin on the table and place the jars upside down on the towel for 24 hours. This allows the excess air inside the glass to escape slowly. Now your canned tomatoes are ready and you can keep them in a cool, dry place for about six months.

Top Seller of Crushed Concentrated Tomato

Top Seller of Crushed Concentrated Tomato The best and top sellers of concentrated chopped tomatoes are in contact with people in various ways, and you can contact out-of-person stores that sell products at wholesale prices and good quality for more information and order. To Find out more about the crushed concentrated tomato price and the volume or dimensions of its packages you can get help from sales consultants. to contact these people and to buy and receive all the information about these canned tomatoes, contact us by phone or email address and easily register your order so that we can get quality products at a wholesale price as soon as possible.

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