Italian tomato paste recipe fast easy authentic

One of the very fast and easy recipes for making tomato paste is the Italian one. Recently, I’ve been using tomatoes in a lot of my cooking, but let’s face it: everyone else also has a surplus of tomatoes right now. If you find the authentic recipe, you will definitely make it all the time.

What is the purpose of making your own tomato paste? In addition to being an excellent method for finding a purpose for a large quantity of tomatoes, making your own tomato paste is a quite different experience than using tomato paste purchased in a can from the shop.

The flavor is unparalleled in its complexity, ferocity, and concentration; no other flavor comes close. You can turn a large quantity of tomatoes into a relatively modest amount of excellent tomato paste with just a little bit of hard work and time invested in the process.

When the tomatoes are ready in Sicily, they produce a dish called estratto, which literally translates to “extracted.” They begin by taking the tomatoes and extracting the puree before salting the mixture and laying it out in the sun on a wooden table or board.

The puree is worked with a spatula repeatedly and then spread out in order to encourage the sun to evaporate any remaining moisture. This process is repeated until the puree is completely dry. This could take up to two days to complete.

When you are through, you will have what is known as estratto, which is a thick and dark paste. After that, the extract is placed in jars, topped with oil and salt, and stored in the refrigerator, where it has the potential to last for up to a year. You have the option to buy it, but after that you will still be stuck with all of those tomatoes.

Because the sun in Michigan is not the same as the sun in Sicily, I made my tomato paste in the oven, imitating what the sun does by gradually removing moisture from the tomato puree. Since the sun in Michigan is not the same as the sun in Sicily, I made my tomato paste in the oven.

The finished product is an unbelievable tomato-based item that you simply won’t believe. In Sicily, whenever they make soups, sauces, or stews, they put a tiny bit of this in them. If you want to, you can even put some of it on a piece of bread or crostini if you want to. Because it is so tasty, you will have to fight the urge to devour it with a spoon.

The procedure is easy and does not provide any challenges at all. It simply needs to be cooked for a very long time in the oven. A food mill is required in order to remove the seeds and skin from the tomatoes before straining the pulp.

You can use a sieve and a spoon, but because you will be working with such a large quantity of tomatoes, a food mill will be a much more efficient tool to utilize.


  • tomatoes, diced, amounting to 6-7 pounds
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 3 garlic cloves, peeled and pounded before being mashed together
  • 2 bay leaves
  • kosher or sea salt


Turn the oven temperature up to 300 degrees.

Cook the tomatoes, olive oil, garlic, bay leaves, and two large pinches of sea salt in a large pot over medium heat for around ten minutes, or until the tomatoes have become more pliable.

Position a food mill such that it is suspended over a large bowl. Extract the tomato puree by transferring the contents of the saucepan to the food mill in stages and spinning the handle of the food grinder many times in one direction and then several times in the opposite direction. Repeat the process as many times as necessary in order to ensure that all of the tomato skins and seeds have been removed.

Olive oil should be used to lightly coat a baking sheet pan. Spread the tomato puree out on a baking sheet and put it in the oven. After cooking for approximately two hours, turn the puree over with a spatula and spread it evenly around the pan. Put back into the oven. Continue to cook for a another hour while stirring the purée.

Continue to cook the puree for at least an another hour, or until it has reached the consistency of a paste and is very thick.

After it has cooled, keep the puree in the refrigerator in a small glass container. If you want, you may finish it off with a drizzle of olive oil and a sprinkle of salt from the sea. It will remain effective for a number of months.

The traditional recipe for tomato sauce from Italy is surprisingly simple to put together. Therefore, it shouldn’t come as a surprise to you that the preparation of pasta and tomato sauce from scratch is considered “quick food” in Italy.


As the primary component, tomato paste is utilized in the preparation of tomato sauce, which is then used as a condiment for pasta. However, tomato paste by itself is not sufficient.

Although I must admit it, I sometimes add it uncooked to my cooked pasta. After that, I add a teaspoon or so of olive oil, salt to taste, and a lot of grated parmesan cheese.

My Italian family dislikes it when I do this. When I’m so hungry that I can’t wait another minute, the heat from the pasta helps the ingredients blend together. It’s not as much as it does when you cook the pasta the right way, but it’s plenty for me.

Passata is an essential ingredient in the production of authentic Italian tomato sauce (tomato puree). However, you can also cook it with canned tomatoes; the only difference is that there is one additional step involved, which is to mash the tomatoes with a fork before putting them to the pan.

The tomato sauce made from crushed tomatoes is not creamy, as one might expect, but it is thick and deep, and it contains bits and pieces throughout. It works well as a condiment for shorter shapes of pasta. While spaghetti and other forms of long pasta are best served with a sauce made with tomato paste.

The essential ingredients for making tomato sauce out of tomato paste are as follows: tomato paste (which may also be referred to as puree or passata), extra-virgin olive oil, garlic, salt, and the tomato sauce herbs, which are typically basil. Occasionally some oregano, either fresh or dried, and fairly frequently a dash of chile.

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